How To Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

Air Quality, Health & Safety

Do us a favour: take a second to breathe in and breathe out. Did you notice any odd smells or tastes? Or do you see tiny particles floating in the a...

Posted by Ryan | April 14, 2020

Do us a favour: take a second to breathe in and breathe out. Did you notice any odd smells or tastes? Or do you see tiny particles floating in the air as they pass through sunlight? If you do, it may interest you to improve your indoor air quality (IAQ).

A lot of us don't think about our indoor air quality very often. However, as it worsens, you could experience headaches, fatigue, allergic reactions, or even nausea. 

See also: How to Test the Air Quality In Your Home 

So what are you to do? If you believe your air quality is making your living situation uncomfortable, Action Furnace can help provide you with the answers you need!

What Can Cause Poor Air Quality?

Indoor Air Pollution

Indoor air pollution can include a couple of different categories of contaminants. These categories are:

Particulares (Dust, Smoke, Etc.)

Dust is pretty common in most homes. However, excessive amounts of dust can indicate an even larger problem with your home air quality. IAQ often depends on how well our air circulation is, and how well your HVAC systems are working.


Odours are often a signifier of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) floating in your air. VOCs are chemicals released into the air from a variety of different sources, including paints, varnish, cleaning, and cosmetic products, and even fuel.


Even though Alberta is a pretty dry climate, this doesn't mean you can't develop instances of mould in your ducts and registers. Mould can grow if an abundance of moisture and humidity is inside your home.

Mould can be caused by plumbing issues or even the fact that your circulation system is already clogged or blocked. This prevents moisture from being circulated adequately out of your home.

What Poor IAQ Means for Your Health

Sick person blowing their nose because of air conditioning

Aside from the physical aspects that poor IAQ could have on your home (dust, mould, etc.), it can also affect your overall health.

Poor IAQ could be related to symptoms of:

  • Dryness and irritation of your eyes, throat, and skin.
  • Fatigue.
  • Headaches.
  • Nausea.
  • Allergies.
  • Dizziness.
  • Coughing & sneezing.
  • Breathing problems.

If you're experiencing these symptoms, please confirm with a doctor if it is related to your air quality.

Tools You Can Use to Improve Your IAQ

All of our home air quality products integrate with your HVAC system conveniently and seamlessly. These products include:


The Generalaire 5070A humidifier allows you to enjoy the benefits of having a humidifier throughout your entire home. By connecting to your furnace, hot air passes through its VaporPad technology, adding moisture to your air.

With its KineticFlo water distribution system, the humidifier can effectively reach 2,500 square feet! All you have to do is replace the humidifier pad 1 to 2 years.

UV-C Light Systems

UV-C systems use the power of UV light to help eradicate the existence of biological contaminants that could exist in your air. This is a single-lamp system that we sell and can install into your home HVAC system.

This system can help control allergy-inducing particles floating in your air and help destroy organisms like mould, spores, bacteria, and even viruses.

Air Purifiers

If you’re looking for air cleaners, we’ve got you covered. We offer the Ecomfort Electronic Air Cleaner (AE10), the Goodman DMH900 Whole-House HEPA Air Cleaner, and the APCO-X for all of your air cleaning needs.

The Ecomfort Electronic Air Cleaner (AE10) is a hybrid electronic air cleaner that is designed to fit into any standard furnace while adding the benefit of being 95% efficient at removing particles as little as 3 microns. 

The Goodman DMH900 Whole-House HEPA Air Cleaner is a HEPA air filter that comes with an added carbon pre-filter and germicidal UV lights. By using these 2 technologies together, the Goodman DMH900 is able to filter particles as small as 0.3 microns at 99.97% efficiency! 

The APCO-X is a UV air purification system that harnesses the power of UV light in conjunction with a carbon filter to help reduce biological contaminants floating in your air. It works by using the UV light to kill microorganisms, and also using the EverCarbon filter to help rid the air of dust and volatile organic compounds like smoke, paint fumes, air fresheners, and more!

Call Action Furnace Today

If you’ve been noticing problems with your home air quality, be sure to contact our team at Action Furnace today.

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