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Showing 9 Posts in “air conditioners.”

5 Tips To Help Make Your Air Conditioner More Quiet | 3 mins

Does your air conditioner sound like a jet engine flying overhead every time you turn it on? Home cooling shouldn’t come at the expense of your pea

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10 Common AC Problems That Alberta Homeowners Face | 6 mins

Summer days are on their way. And not to put a damper on the excitement, but have you ever noticed that your air conditioner seems to break down righ

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A Guide to DIY versus Professional Air Conditioner Repair | 4 mins

Air conditioning is essential for maintaining a comfortable living environment here in Alberta, especially during the sweltering summer months.


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The 2024 Alberta Air Conditioner Buyer’s Guide | 9 mins

Air conditioners are increasingly vital for Alberta’s hot, dry summers—but buying a new air conditioner means knowing what kind, what size, and h

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Air Conditioner Prices in Alberta: What to Expect | 5 mins

Alberta’s summers keep getting warmer—which means air conditioning keeps getting more essential for homeowners who want to stay comfortable and s

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Turning On AC After Winter: 5 Key Steps | 7 mins

Part of enjoying summer is soaking up the sun—except when you need relief from the heat. If you’re lucky enough to have in-home air conditioning,

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What Size Air Conditioner Do I Need (Alberta Edition)? | 4 mins

The dog days of summer can get sweltering, especially here in Alberta. And we all know how stifling it can be in a home with insufficient cooling! Bu

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Can Air Conditioning Make You Sick? | 4 mins

Air conditioning is a lifesaver during hot summer months, providing comfort and relief. But some people worry about whether or not air conditioning h

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10 Ways to Cool Off Your Home for Summer | 3 mins

The summer season in Alberta brings joy, outdoor adventures, and… heatwaves! Staying cool indoors is vital during our province’s hottest months,

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