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What to Expect During a Furnace Inspection

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Home Comfort, HVAC, Maintenance

If you’re experiencing heating issues, are worried about the age and condition of your furnace or just want someone to take a look around and make sure it’s functioning properly, it’s time to have your furnace inspected. In this blog we go over common furnace issues, and what you can expect from our comprehensive inspection service. Call Action Furnace today!


Posted by Ryan | May 27, 2024

Winter is officially here in Alberta and you want to make sure that your furnace is working the absolute best it can to maintain a warm and safe environment for you and your loved ones.

If you’re experiencing heating issues, worried about the age and condition of your furnace, or just want someone to take a look around and make sure everything is up to snuff, call the experienced team at Action Furnace for a furnace inspection today!

We’re proud to provide only the best furnace inspection service available, and our furnace specialists are trained to quickly identify any current or potential issues, and offer comprehensive repair solutions and advice to ensure you stay warm year round!

Common Furnace Issues

Your furnace is constantly running in the background, providing support to your daily routines, so much so that sometimes you even forget it’s there. And that’s why it can be difficult to figure out when something is going wrong.  Here are some common furnace issues you may be facing.

The Age and Condition of your Furnace

Furnaces are designed to last anywhere between 10-20 years, when properly maintained. But repairs become more frequent the older they get, and normal wear and tear takes place.

Older furnaces may start to make weird banging noises, or begin to show signs of rust or damage, and if that’s the case, it’s time to call the heating professionals at Action Furnace for your furnace inspection.

Unexplained Increases in your Utility Bills

If your heating bills are suddenly increasing, it’s another sign to schedule your furnace inspection.

Your technician will be able to identify any underlying issues that may be causing your furnace to malfunction, or let you know if it’s age related and it’s time for a new installation.

Inconsistent Heating Throughout Your Home

If you’re noticing that certain areas of your home are really warm, while others are freezing cold, it’s time to get your furnace looked at.Uneven heating or a complete lack of heat may indicate a problem with the furnace’s distribution system, causing serious discomfort and potential health risks from poor indoor air quality.

Strange Smells

An unusual smell from your furnace is a potentially critical situation that can pose immediate danger to your household. Burning smells are usually caused by overheating parts, which can result in huge repairs. While a rotten egg smell can be a sign of a natural gas leak, which could become a serious breathing or combustion hazard.

Our furnace technicians are trained to handle these situations quickly and with care. They’ll locate the source of the odour and fix it, ensuring your home’s safety and making sure you’re able to keep using your furnace safely in the future.

The Industry’s Most Thorough Inspection Service

Our furnace technicians are the best in the business, and we’re dedicated to providing you with the best inspection service we possibly can, with extensive checklists and tests to make sure that you’re set up for the weather ahead.

Here’s what you can expect from our industry-leading 50-point service inspection:

  • Check gas pressure
  • Igniter performance
  • Temperature heat rise
  • Blower motor efficiency
  • Complete safety check

You also get a full check of not only your furnace components, but also your complete home comfort system including:

  • Ventilation system
  • Mechanical room
  • Thermostat operation
  • Hot water heater (including operation & spillage)
  • Wiring systems
  • Heat exchanger
  • Gas lines & gas valves (to check for any leaks)

Action Furnace is also proud to offer our Total Comfort Club membership to help make annual furnace maintenance a little bit easier.

For one low monthly price your furnace maintenance will be prescheduled, and you’ll receive an annual WOW! Tune-up, front of the line priority service, discounts on diagnostic fees and future repairs, and an annual supply of furnace filters. Contact us today to learn more!

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I get my furnace inspected?

It’s a good idea to get your furnace inspected once a year to catch any potential issues.

How long does a furnace inspection take?

Typically, our furnace inspections take about 1-2 hours, depending on the furnace’s age, condition, and complexity.

Is a furnace inspection necessary in a new home?

Yes, no matter the age of your furnace, it can benefit from regular inspections to make sure it’s installed and functioning properly.

Keep Warm with Action Furnace’s Furnace Inspection Services

Our team has been performing HVAC services since 1975, so you can trust we have the experience to get the job done right. With thousands of 5-star reviews and comprehensive, up-front quotes, you can trust us to handle your furnace inspection professionally and be transparent about the work involved.

Action Furnace’s furnace inspection services start at only $149, call us today to schedule your appointment!

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Written by Ryan Tutak

Ryan is considered one of Calgary's most knowledgeable residential HVAC specialists. Working in the industry for over 12 years, he's helped thousands of homeowners with their heating and cooling systems. Outside of running Calgary's most reputable HVAC business, you can find him on the Golf course practicing his short game or traveling with his family. His main goal is to create a positive collaborative culture, one in which his employees are excited to come in and are motivated to work hard. He spends the majority of his day working directly with Home Comfort Advisors, Service and Maintenance Technicians, and Customer Service Representatives ensuring they are fully prepared to lead the Home Service Industry in Customer Service.

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