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5 Signs It’s Time To Replace Your Furnace

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Furnace Installations, Home Comfort, HVAC

In this blog we’ll do a deep dive into common signs and issues that could mean it’s time to replace your furnace. Whether it’s due to aging equipment, increased utility bills or escalating repair costs, we’ve got you covered! Enjoy the peace of mind that comes from a new, reliable furnace from Action Furnace.


Posted by Ryan | June 18, 2024

Let’s be real here, winter in Alberta always arrives sooner than we think. So before the temperature drops you want to make sure you have a furnace that you can count on. In this blog we’ll do a deep dive into common signs and issues that could mean it’s time to replace your furnace. Whether it’s due to aging equipment, increased utility bills or escalating repair costs, we’ve got you covered!

We’re Alberta’s trusted source for furnace installation, and we’re leading the way in furnace install techniques. We’ve done and seen it all when it comes to home heating, so contact us today!

5 Common Furnace Issues You Should Look Out For.

5 Common Furnace Issues

1. Your Furnace is Over 12-15 Years Old

If your furnace is quickly approaching or has surpassed it’s lifespan, replacement is the best option for continued performance and efficiency. It’ll most likely be the most cost-effective option as well, another thing to keep in mind.

2. You’re Always Calling Us For Repairs

There comes a time in every furnace’s life where no amount of repairs will be able to return it to it’s past glory. Dramatic we know, but true. If you find yourself calling us for repairs more than once a year, this is a sign that a full system replacement is on the horizon.

3. Inconsistent Heating

If some rooms in your house are too hot, while others remain ice cold your furnace may no longer be able to distribute air evenly throughout your home. Often the quickest way to remedy this is with a whole new furnace.

4. Steadily Increasing Utility Bills

If you notice your heating costs keep going up despite numerous service calls and no change in your usage, it could mean your furnace is slowly losing efficiency. Older units often work harder to provide the same amount of heat, leading to higher bills.

5. Unusual Noises & Excessive Dust

Loud banging or squealing sounds coming from your furnace can point to mechanical issues. Likewise an increase in dust, rust or exhaust can also mean serious issues, often the tell-tale signs of an aging system.

Not sure if you should repair or replace your furnace? The decision is easier with the advice of the friendly heating technicians at Action Furnace.

Repair Vs. Replacing Your Furnace

Not sure if you should repair or replace your furnace? The decision is easier with the advice of the friendly heating technicians at Action Furnace. They’ll quickly diagnose the health of your system and give you a realistic forecast for future repairs.

Our team is here to make sure you have all the necessary information to make the best decision for you and your home; seriously, no pressure! But keep in mind, as briefly mentioned earlier, as furnaces age and repair frequency increases, a new furnace will probably save you money in the long run.

Action Furnace is here whether you decide to repair or replace your furnace.

Trusted Furnace Installation in Calgary, Edmonton & Red Deer

Our Comfort Advisors and furnace technicians are the best in the business, and we’re dedicated to providing you with the best installation service possible. Here’s what you can expect should you decide to move forward with a new furnace installation.

What To Expect

When you book your furnace installation with Action Furnace, your personal Home Comfort Advisor will come to your home to begin the evaluation process.

During your evaluation your advisor will thoroughly examine your existing unit, the size of your home and estimate the amount of usage in order to quickly determine the best options for your home.

Your Advisor will take through measurements of the square footage of your home, your windows and inspect all registers and ducts. They will then present your comprehensive quote, individualized to your exact needs!

All recommendations are fully explained and consider your home’s efficiency, size and power needs. Your advisor will also go over our most popular furnace models, and any special features that may be of interest to you.

Finally with Action Furnace’s No Surprise Guarantee the investment quoted is what you will pay. No additional chargers during or after installation, we promise!

Our team is dedicated to providing you clean and respectful service and will complete your installation with minimal interruption to your day to day life.

Our installation technicians are the best in skill attitude and workmanship. They will care for your home and complete the job with speed and precision. If they haven’t performed in accordance with these high standards, we will provide you with 1 year free club membership at no charge.

Once your installation is complete, your advisor will connect and troubleshoot your new furnace to ensure it is running properly and efficiently. Finally they will walk you through the operation, features and any warranties.

We also guarantee that the new furnace system we install in your home will heat your home, as we have stated, to a variance of plus or minus three degrees. If the promised temperature range is not achieved, we will replace the system at no charge.

The Different Kinds of Furnaces

Here are the most common type of furnaces:

  • Gas – Natural gas furnaces are the most commonly used in Canada because they offer cost-effective heating for most homes.
  • Electric – Furnaces that use electricity allow you to avoid fuel costs and product fewer emissions, perfect if you’re environmentally conscious.
  • Oil – Oil-based furnaces are ideal for rural properties here in Alberta that may not be located near natural gas lines.

Choosing The Right Furnace For Your Home

The size of furnace you’ll need depends on the size of your home, your insulation level and the climate. Meaning our cold winters often require more powerful furnace options.  Our Comfort Advisors are also here to walk you through all your options and help you select the right furnace for you and your home.

Don’t Forget About Regular Maintenance

Once installed and firing away nicely, maybe it’s time to consider joining our Action Furnace Total Comfort Club membership to help make annual furnace maintenance a little bit easier.

For one low monthly price your furnace maintenance will be prescheduled, and you’ll receive an annual WOW! Tune-up, front of the line priority service, discounts on diagnostic fees and future repairs, and an annual supply of furnace filters. Contact us today to learn more!

Knowing when to replace your furnace is crucial for maintaining a comfortable and efficient living space. From aging systems struggling to keep up, to high energy and repair costs make sure you’re paying attention to the signs!

Remember the warmth of your home this winter depends on a reliable furnace. If you’re experiencing any of the above issues it might be time to consider a replacement. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a new furnace from the friendly team at Action Furnace!

Frequently Asked Questions About Furnaces

How long does furnace install take?

No two installation jobs are the same, several factors influence the time it takes to get your new furnace up and running, including the type of equipment being installed, the space we’re working to install your new furnace, and ease of access into installation areas.

How long does a new furnace last?

When properly maintained your new furnace can last 15 years or more! Action Furnace is also proud to offer our 12 year parts & labour guarantee on our signature heating systems so you can enjoy the peace of mind of knowing your equipment is covered.

Can I install a new furnace myself?

We do not recommend installing a new furnace on your own. Installation requires specialized tools and knowledge. Our heating technicians are well-versed in all makes and models, and go through mandatory training every year to stay at the top of their craft. Installing heating equipment yourself could also void its warranty, so leave the installation to the pros!

Will a new furnace improve my home’s efficiency?

Yes! A new furnace can improve your home’s efficiency if it’s the right size, properly installed and regularly maintained.

What warranties come with a new furnace?

We’re proud to offer a 12 year parts and labour warranty on most new furnace installs.If you need a repair, we also offer our industry leading Fixed Right Or It’s Free Guarantee. If your furnace repair should fail within the first heating season, we’ll fix it again absolutely free, plus refund 100% of your original repair investment. At Action Furnace we’re truly with you every step of the way.

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Written by Ryan Tutak

Ryan is considered one of Calgary's most knowledgeable residential HVAC specialists. Working in the industry for over 12 years, he's helped thousands of homeowners with their heating and cooling systems. Outside of running Calgary's most reputable HVAC business, you can find him on the Golf course practicing his short game or traveling with his family. His main goal is to create a positive collaborative culture, one in which his employees are excited to come in and are motivated to work hard. He spends the majority of his day working directly with Home Comfort Advisors, Service and Maintenance Technicians, and Customer Service Representatives ensuring they are fully prepared to lead the Home Service Industry in Customer Service.

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