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10 Common AC Problems That Alberta Homeowners Face

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Air Conditioners

Many homeowners in Alberta are having to deal with recurring AC issues because of small, preventable problems that are often overlooked. So in today’s blog our experienced technicians have compiled the top 10 most common AC issues we’ve seen over the years, so you know what to watch out for, and handy tools for preventing them from rearing their ugly head in the midst of summer heat.


Posted by Ryan | May 21, 2024

Summer days are on their way. And not to put a damper on the excitement, but have you ever noticed that your air conditioner seems to break down right when you need it the most? Well, you’re not the only one!

Many homeowners in Alberta are having to deal with recurring AC issues because of small, preventable problems that are often overlooked. So in today’s blog our experienced technicians have compiled the top 10 most common AC issues we’ve seen over the years, so you know what to watch out for, and handy tools for preventing them from rearing their ugly head in the midst of summer heat.

The team at Action Furnace has been performing HVAC services since 1975, so you can trust we have the experience to get the job done right. With thousands of 5-star reviews and comprehensive, up-front quotes, you can trust us to handle your AC maintenance, install and repair professionally and be transparent about the work involved. Let’s get started!

The size of your house matters when installing an AC unit, and if improperly sized it could result in your AC unit having to work harder and longer to cool your home.

Incorrectly Sized Air Conditioner

One of the most common issues our Home Comfort Advisors have come across is incorrectly sized air conditioners. Units too small for the home have to work harder and longer to cool the space around them. This extended period of operation increases the wear and tear on your system, leading to malfunctioning components and inconsistent cooling performance.

Oversized air conditioners can be even more detrimental. Units that are too large cause freezing issues that are hazardous to the furnace your central AC is attached to, and the overall system. Bigger isn’t always better!

Refrigerant Leaks

Refrigerant is essential to your AC running efficiently and problem-free. The refrigerant changes from liquid to gas as it passes through your AC system’s indoor and outdoor coils, absorbing heat and humidity from inside and releasing it outside.

If your air conditioner has all of sudden started blowing warm air instead of cool, it could be a sign that you’ve got a leak on your hands. Unaddressed leaks can result in a complete system failure, as well as property damage around the unit due to the liquid seeping into your floor or drywall.

If you’re experiencing a leak, give our experienced Home Comfort Advisors a call right away. We’re trained to quickly identify the source of the leak and provide immediate solutions. We’ll also recharge your system with the correct amount of refrigerant so your system will continue to run trouble-free for as long as possible.

Thermostats are how your home’s cooling system determines it’s time to wake up and start cooling. It could be one of the issues why your AC unit is having problems.

Thermostat Malfunction

When your air conditioner isn’t working, you may not immediately consider it to be an issue with your thermostat, but oftentimes it should be the first place you look.Thermostats are how your home’s cooling system determines it’s time to wake up and start cooling.

So if you’re noticing your AC unit isn’t turning on, or it’s turning off before your room is actually cooled down, it could signal a thermostat malfunction. Call us today and we’ll thoroughly inspect and recalibrate your thermostat to improve your cooling capabilities. You can also consider upgrading to a smart, programmable thermostat for increased comfort, efficiency and control.

Dirty air filters can restrict airflow through your system. Its important that you change your filters every 3 months.

Dirty Air Filters

Central AC cools your home by pulling warm air in through your indoor unit’s (your furnace or fan) filters to remove dust and pollutants before passing it over a cold evaporator coil.

These filters keep your whole system clean and running smoothly, while helping you breathe easier with high quality air. As your central AC runs, dirt, dust and other contaminants flow into and get trapped into your air filter.

Overtime, this debris builds up and restricts the airflow through your system. The limited air flow prevents cooled air from being circulated around your home, and overheats the internal components which can lead to expensive repairs and replacements.

Clean and change out your air filters every 3 months just like you would during heating season, to keep the air flowing and everything working as it should! If you live in an area with poor air quality, like an area affected by wildfires, you may need to replace filters more regularly.

Drainage Problems

Small levels of condensation are normal during your AC’s operation, but if you’re noticing standing or pooling water anywhere on or near your unit, you might have a drainage problem.

Your AC’s condensate drain line is responsible for draining the excess moisture away from your system, and unfortunately can become clogged quite easily. Once clogged, moisture builds up and spills over the drain pan which could cause serious electrical problems.

Our team comes to every repair call in a fully stocked service truck, well equipped with the tools to clear your drainage line gently, but effectively.

Frozen Evaporator Coils

Frozen evaporator coils are usually a byproduct of a refrigerant leak or poor air flow. Once the evaporator coils freeze your air conditioner won’t run as efficiently, resulting in increased energy output, malfunctions and higher utility bills.

Dirty Condenser Coils

Dirt and dust trapped in your unit’s condenser coils can severely impact air flow and cooling performance. A great way to improve the longevity of your air conditioner is by staying on top of cleaning and other maintenance. Simply take a gentle vacuum or hose to wash away excess dirt, leaves and other debris. You can also use a soft brush to scrub away at the more stubborn grime.

Capacitor Problems

The capacitor provides the necessary boost in power to start your air conditioner’s compressor and fan. If it fails, your air conditioner won’t function properly, significantly reducing cooling power.

Capacitor issues can be a bit harder to spot, but when you call Action Furnace all our cooling technicians are trained to quickly identify capacitor issues, getting you back up and running quickly.

Frequent trips are typically caused by an overworked or improperly sized unit drawing too much power. Which is why its so important that your AC unit is sized properly for your home.

Tripped Circuit Breakers

If you’re experiencing frequent power outages, your AC unit may be to blame. Frequent trips are typically caused by an overworked or improperly sized unit drawing too much power. Electrical issues can be dangerous if not handled by a professional, so make sure you call our experienced team immediately.

Duct Leaks

Think of your ducts like a highway, transporting the cool air around your home. It’s an essential part of your home comfort system.

If you’re experiencing inconsistent cooling between the various areas of your home, clogged or damaged duct work may be to blame.

Call Action Furnace today to schedule your comprehensive duct inspection and cleaning service.

Reach out to the experts at Action Furnace for all your AC repairs needs, as they will be able to assess your situation promptly.

When It Comes To AC Repair, You Can Trust Action Furnace

If you’re experiencing any of the issues listed above, call our experienced Home Comfort Advisors today!

We can properly diagnose, service and repair all major makes and models, so no matter the unit in your home you can trust Action Furnace to assess your situation promptly.

We require hours of mandatory training for every cooling technician, every year. We also stand behind all of our repairs with our industry-leading Fixed Right Or It’s Free Guarantee. If one of our AC repairs should fail within the first cooling season, we will repair it again absolutely free.

You can trust the team at Action Furnace to ensure that your AC system is running efficiently with annual maintenance.

Don’t Neglect Annual Maintenance!

Staying on top of regular maintenance is the first defense against AC issues and repairs. So schedule an annual tune-up with Action Furnace, we’ll ensure you get the best cooling performance possible.

We will complete a full-check of your air conditioner. You’ll enjoy:

  • Multi-point inspection
  • Coolant level checks
  • Compressor fan checks and calibration
  • Part lubrication

We’ll even measure your AC’s output to have a record to compare against for our next visit.

We also recommend signing up for our Total Comfort Club Membership to help make air conditioner repairs and annual maintenance easier. For one low monthly price your annual maintenance will be prescheduled. You’ll receive an annual WOW! tune-up and front-of-the-line priority service, 50% all diagnostic fees, and 10% off future AC repairs. Contact us today to learn more!

Don’t sweat the small stuff! When it comes to AC repairs, know what to look for and get any issues handled now before they turn into bigger problems with the help of Action Furnace. Give us a call today to schedule your AC repair service.

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Written by Ryan Tutak

Ryan is considered one of Calgary's most knowledgeable residential HVAC specialists. Working in the industry for over 12 years, he's helped thousands of homeowners with their heating and cooling systems. Outside of running Calgary's most reputable HVAC business, you can find him on the Golf course practicing his short game or traveling with his family. His main goal is to create a positive collaborative culture, one in which his employees are excited to come in and are motivated to work hard. He spends the majority of his day working directly with Home Comfort Advisors, Service and Maintenance Technicians, and Customer Service Representatives ensuring they are fully prepared to lead the Home Service Industry in Customer Service.

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